Magazine Presentation Assessment

The name of the magazine I based my presentation on was 'Q'

The people who assessed my magazine said that next time I do my presentation, I should include more information about the magazine in general. Also I need to do a more detailed analysis of the front cover and contents page, and include an analysis of a double page spread. I also need to include more pictures to show the contents page, so it will be easier to understand my presentation.
However, the students who assessed me said that overall I did a good presentation, as all my points were set out clearly so it was easy to understand and it was well organised. Also I did a good analysis on the audience and explained the different aspects of the magazine well such as layout, photos, etc.

I am happy with how well my presentation went, but by doing this presentation it has made me realise where I need to improve when doing my music magazine. By evaluating this magazine I realised how important my front cover and contents page are, and how every detail on them has to be perfect. Also if I did another presentation I would analyse the front cover and contents more, and also I would include an analysis of a double page spread, and more photos of the magazine.